Praha - Futurum (CZ)
650.00 Kč
Praha - Modrá Vopice (CZ)
520.00 Kč
Praha - Roxy (CZ)
690.00 Kč
Brno - Kabinet Múz
590.00 Kč
Košice - Collosseum (SK)
€ 25.00
Praha - Modrá Vopice (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Brno - Sono centrum (CZ)
950.00 Kč
20 Mar 19:00 1914, KATLA - Praha 1914, KATLA - Praha
Praha Klánovice - Black Pes
590.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
590.00 Kč
Bratislava - Randal Club (SK)
€ 25.00
24 Mar 18:30 AIRBOURNE, ASOMVEL - Brno vyprodáno AIRBOURNE, ASOMVEL - Brno
Brno - Sono centrum (CZ)
1290.00 Kč
Brno - Sono centrum (CZ)
2990.00 Kč
Brno - Sono centrum (CZ)
1800.00 Kč
Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Blue Note
€ 35.00
Praha - Modrá Vopice (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Praha - Jazz Dock
990.00 Kč
Praha - Jazz Dock
690.00 Kč
Praha - Futurum (CZ)
620.00 Kč
Praha - Chapeau Rouge
590.00 Kč
Praha - 007 (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Praha - Futurum (CZ)
590.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Praha - Modrá Vopice (CZ)
520.00 Kč
Praha - Futurum (CZ)
620.00 Kč
Bratislava - Majestic Music Club (SK)
€ 39.00
Bratislava - Randal Club (SK)
€ 30.00
Ostrava - Barrak Club (CZ)
890.00 Kč
Praha - Futurum (CZ)
650.00 Kč
Praha - Eternia (CZ)
520.00 Kč
Praha - Roxy (CZ)
990.00 Kč
Praha - Downstairs Eternia (CZ)
590.00 Kč
Praha Klánovice - Black Pes
650.00 Kč
Praha - O2 universum
1390.00 Kč
28 Apr 18:30 AMENRA - Praha AMENRA - Praha
Praha - Palác Akropolis (CZ)
690.00 Kč
Praha - Palác Akropolis (CZ)
650.00 Kč
Praha - 007 (CZ)
430.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
590.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
650.00 Kč
Brno - Melodka (CZ)
620.00 Kč
Bratislava - Randal Club (SK)
€ 30.00
Ostrava - Barrak Club (CZ)
650.00 Kč
Bratislava - Randal Club (SK)
€ 30.00
Praha - Modrá Vopice (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Košice - Collosseum (SK)
€ 28.00
Praha - Fuchs2
690.00 Kč
23 May 19:00 LUNA KILLS - Praha LUNA KILLS - Praha
Praha - Chapeau Rouge
520.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Brno - Fléda
620.00 Kč
Ostrava - Barrak Club (CZ)
750.00 Kč
Bratislava - Randal Club (SK)
€ 30.00
23 Jun 19:00 THE HU THE HU
Bratislava - Refinery Gallery
€ 40.00
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
520.00 Kč
26 Jul 19:00 LILIAC - Praha LILIAC - Praha
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
550.00 Kč
Košice - Collosseum (SK)
€ 30.00
03 Aug 19:00 WEDNESDAY 13 - Praha WEDNESDAY 13 - Praha
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
620.00 Kč
Praha - Rock Café (CZ)
750.00 Kč
1290.00 Kč
Praha - Roxy (CZ)
890.00 Kč
Žilina - Event House (SK)
€ 49.00
Praha - MeetFactory
790.00 Kč
Praha - SaSaZu
890.00 Kč
22 Nov 18:30 HANABIE - Praha HANABIE - Praha
Praha - Palác Akropolis (CZ)
750.00 Kč
Bratislava - Majestic Music Club (SK)
€ 35.00